What restrictions are in force in Munich and Bavaria due to Covid-19?
The Government of Bavaria has approved during the fall of 2020 a system to regulate the restrictions in force in the region due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These are governed by a traffic light system based on the cumulative incidence of cases. In addition, in Bavaria and throughout the country, during the month of November, for the moment, a series of extra restrictions aimed at slowing the advance of the pandemic. This implies the prohibition of activities related to leisure, culture or gastronomy, including tourism. Therefore, hotels cannot accommodate tourists, while restaurants, bars or museums remain closed, among others.
Covid-19 traffic lights in Baviera
As for the Bavarian traffic light, the system provides for four levels: green, yellow, red and dark red. At all levels, the population is asked to reduce social contact (to a greater or greater extent), maintain physical distance (1.5 m), wash hands frequently and ventilate closed spaces. From there, the restrictions evolve.
The traffic light remains green with a cumulative incidence during the last seven days below 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. At this level the restrictions are lax, with mandatory use of a mask only in supermarkets, public transport, gastronomy and where a distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. Celebrations with a maximum of 100 people indoors and 200 outdoors are allowed. There are exceptions.

Contact with non-cohabitating people for private celebrations is reduced, to a maximum of 10 people or two households.The mandatory mask is extended to pedestrian areas and busy squares, public buildings, public events ... The sale and consumption of alcohol in public places is prohibited from 11 pm. The orange level is activated with a cumulative incidence of 35 to 50 cases.

At the red level, private celebrations must be limited to 5 people or two households. The mask is still mandatory in all the above cases (and in some other specific ones for the local population) and the sale and consumption of alcohol in public places is prohibited after 10 pm. This level is activated with a cumulative incidence of 50 to 100 cases.

It is the maximum level foreseen by the traffic light, for a cumulative incidence of more than 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. It implies greater restrictions such as the prohibition of public events with more than 50 people and the closure of gastronomic establishments is anticipated at 9:00 p.m. It is also forbidden to buy and consume alcohol on the street after that time. The movement of people is not strictly prohibited, so it is not a curfew as such. The other restrictions are maintained. In November 2020, Bavaria is at the dark red level (with a cumulative incidence of more than 100 cases), and the aforementioned extra restrictions are also in force.